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Tired feet

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We often overlook certain parts of the body until they start to hurt. Swollen or painful feet are the first symptom of a problem that can be of greater or lesser severity.

It is important to distinguish between tired and sore feet in order to apply the appropriate treatment in each case.

Tired or painful feet. What are the differences?

There is a difference between tired and painful feet. Foot fatigue, also known as tired feet, is usually occasional and related to long walks or standing up for long periods of time. It usually disappears with rest and by applying relaxing massage creams. With pain, however, the discomfort continues and even increases as time goes by, which is why it is best to see a professional.

Solutions for tired feet

A foot bath with relaxing salts or a light massage with products specifically designed for tired feet, such as a foot balm, will improve the symptoms of fatigue and swelling caused by daily or occasional exertion.

The appearance of what are popularly called calluses, corns, bunions, etc., are an unmistakable symptom of a battered foot or a problem that needs proper attention. Moisturising the skin correctly keeps it optimally flexible and smooth. The application of products made especially for calluses and the use of a pumice stone help eliminate hard skin and calluses.

What are calluses?

Calluses are areas of thin or thick dead skin that appear on very specific parts of the foot due to friction or pressure. It is a skin infarction caused by excessive and continuous pressure on a specific part of the foot. This pressure does not allow the correct irrigation of the dermal area and, as a consequence, it causes cell death that produces what we call hardness (tiloma) if it is extensive, or callus-nail (heloma) if it is more defined, deep and concentric.

Whereabouts do calluses appear?

The most common areas where calluses appear are as follows: