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Skin care

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Laboratorios Viñas extensive Handbook provides answers to very different needs in terms of skin care.

Laboratorios Viñas: dermatological vocation

Laboratorios Viñas has developed its commitment to dermatology since it was founded in 1911, and today it can be considered as a benchmark company in the research development and marketing of skincare products.

The pharmaceutical excellence, acceptability, efficacy and safety of its skincare formulations have made Laboratorios Viñas the national market leader in several areas.

Healing of wounds and burns

When there is some type of injury to the skin, be it a wound, burn or surgery, the healing process begins to restore tissue integrity. It is important to know the steps to follow to encourage the healing process depending on the type of wound. Sometimes the skin requires products to be applied that help regenerate the tissue and facilitate healing.


Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. It generally starts during adolescence and affects both men and women equally, varying in severity. It usually disappears spontaneously at around 20 years of age, but it can persist for considerably longer.

It is estimated that acne affects 85% of the adolescent population, mainly on the face, and sometimes also on the chest, back and shoulders; these are areas where there are a high number of sebaceous glands. The typical acne lesions take place in the pilosebaceous follicle, the initial ones are the comedones (closed or open: "pimples") that can evolve into papules and pustules ("spots"), nodules and cysts (the latter in the most severe cases).

These injuries can be treated topically, orally or surgically depending on the severity, which is assessed by the presence of scars and the psychological effects they may cause.


Sometimes the skin on the face requires specific care, as is the case of rosacea, a chronic inflammatory disease characterised by facial redness.

Dry skin

Dry skin is usually thin and fragile skin, which is easily irritated and inflamed, and is especially common in children under 10 and in adults over 60. The skin tends to suffer from cutaneous dryness when temperatures and humidity drop.

The main symptoms that dry skin needs extra hydration are a sensation of tightness on the face and body, itching or burning, redness, inflammation, a rough and wrinkled texture, peeling and even cracks and fissures. The most affected body parts are the face, especially the area around the eyes, the lips and the hands.

Mature Skin

Generally speaking, mature skin has a decreased functional capacity and is therefore more exposed to environmental factors. This happens because the skin becomes thinner, drier and more fragile, loses elasticity and turgidity and is more difficult to heal. Wrinkles also appear, as do changes in the pigmentation.

To compensate for all these deficiencies and improve the health of mature skin, it is necessary to follow a daily facial care routine that incorporates mild cleansers and highly moisturising and restorative cosmetics, whilst not forgetting adequate sun protection and healthy lifestyle habits.


When there is an increased production rate in the skin cells or a reduction in their elimination, a thickening of the stratum corneum takes place, which is known as hyperkeratosis.

Skin infections

The skin is the body's main defence barrier against the invasion and growth of external infectious agents. When the balance is upset as a result of these external aggressions, skin infections occur. Depending on the infectious agents, skin infections can be classified as bacterial (such as impetigo and folliculitis), fungal (such as ringworm and candidiasis) or viral (such as herpes and warts) and almost everyone at some stage in their life can suffer from them.


Our skin contains cells that produce pigmentation called melanocytes, which are loaded with melanin, the substance that produces pigment or skin colour. The appearance of blemishes is due to a perceptible alteration of the skin’s pigmentation, known as hyperpigmentation.

Hyper sweating

When there is excessive sweating, beyond what is needed for temperature regulation, or there is an exaggerated response to stimuli, this is known as hyper sweating.