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Women’s health

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Women's health is especially important for Laboratorios Viñas, which a significant part of its R&D+i resources are allocated to. R&D+i

The laboratory’s gynaecological handbook includes a collection of avant-garde products specifically designed for the different stages of a woman's life.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Laboratorios Viñas offers nutritional supplements for before, during and after pregnancy, which guarantee the requirements of the necessary nutrients for both the future baby and the nursing child. Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D and folic acid becomes more important during pregnancy, a period during which there is an increased demand for both. Having an adequate level of vitamin D reduces the risk of gestational diabetes and premature births. The effect in child development is also very important.

Breast tightness

Breast tightness and pain, which women can suffer from throughout their lives as the main symptom of the premenstrual cycle, but also as a consequence of hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy or menopause, requires specific treatment.

During the reproductive age, in the days prior to menstruation, during the first trimester of pregnancy or during breast-feeding, it is common for women to report breast pain or mastalgia.

Vaginal dryness

Not all women's health problems are equally visible. There are disorders that, due to them being a taboo or awkward to discuss, they seem to be less common than they actually are. Dyspareunia, recurrent or persistent pain associated with sexual intercourse, is one of them. This pain is due to vaginal dryness or a decreased production of vaginal fluid, motivated by different causes, including hormonal changes during menopause, as well as stress, fatigue or anxiety.

The application of a hyaluronic acid-based gel has been shown to significantly improve vaginal dryness and dyspareunia.

Vulvovaginal discomfort

Vulvovaginitis is the inflammation of the vulva and vagina that appears when there is a change in the balance of bacteria or yeast normally found in the vaginal mucosa. It is usually accompanied by various symptoms such as a stinging sensation, itching, pain when urinating and abnormal vaginal discharge.

Although vulvitis or vulvovaginitis can occur at any stage of life, it is more frequent in girls and accounts for around 25% of visits to the paediatric gynaecologist.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks, skin marks that are produced by the breakage and partial loss of collagen and elastin, especially during pregnancy, require specific care in order to prevent them, in addition to improving the appearance of existing ones.

The most affected areas are the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, thighs and hips.

Hot flashes-Menopause

Hot flashes are the most common symptom of the menopause and the perimenopause. They are defined as a sudden hot sensation in the upper chest, neck and face. They usually last between two and three minutes and are sometimes accompanied by sweating and/or a redness of the skin.

Phytotherapeutic treatment for hot flashes is another of the recommendations that the wide range of solutions offered by Laboratorios Viñas covers for women's health.

Urinary well-being

The urinary tract is the set of organs responsible for the production, storage and expulsion of urine.

The purpose of urine is to eliminate nitrogenous metabolic waste (urea, creatinine, uric acid) and other toxic substances from the body.

We refer to urinary well-being as the optimal state of the urinary tract and the physiological conditions that allow good urinary health.